Monday, August 24, 2009

First Day of School 2009

The boys standing in front of the school.

Brendan and Mrs. Martinez.

Aidan and Mrs. Bosquez.

What a range of emotions the first day of school brought the Frohock household this year! August 24, 2009 marked the very first day of Kindergarten for Brendan and First Grade for Aidan. Neither of the boys showed any extreme nervousness or hesitation... I was so proud of them! Both took their lunchboxes, which I hid Star Wars stickers inside of. And both received their own little brown bear to tuck away in their backpacks--just in case they needed a little cuddle from home during the day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

No More Training Wheels!

A few months ago, Aidan talked Don into removing the training wheels from his bike. He was ready to prove he was a big boy and ride without them. Well, that didn't work out too well and it's been several months since Aidan has been on his bike.

So tonight, Aidan wanted to give it another try. Lo and behold... he did it! It was hilarious to watch his expression and see how nervous he was riding around in concentric circles... obviously anticipating the unknown controlability of his first stop. I'll admit... I was holding my breath a little. But, that went perfectly as well.

All the while, Brendan ricketted around on his bike with training wheels. Once he saw how quickly and easily his big brother mastered the skill of riding a bike on just two wheels, HE wanted to give it a shot, TOO! So, out come the tools. Off come the training wheels from Brendan's bike. And, once again, I was completely amazed at how quickly my little guys grow up. Right before my very eyes, they've developed a new-found freedom. One that I thoroughly enjoyed growing up!

CONGRATULATIONS to my awesome little guys! I AM SO PROUD OF THEM BOTH!!!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Aidan Graduated from Kindergarten

I've been so excited about this day coming, although it was such a bittersweet moment. Several weeks ago, I was talking with some parents about the Kindergarten graduation and we realized we'd like to do something about the kids having caps to wear for the ceremony. So, I found some reasonably-priced ones online and ordered them. This was the beginning of what ended up being a full-blown cap and gown commencement ceremony for the kids! Not long after the caps were ordered, a few staff and faculty members decided they needed to order gowns that could be used every year, even though the caps would need to be reordered each year. Next thing you know, the teachers were putting together the whole ceremony, complete with chairs and diplomas! So much fun!

The balloon release I planned didn't quite work out as I had it pictured in my head, but it was still nice.

Can't believe that, come August 24th, both my boys will be in elementary school! What happened to my babies?!???

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Kinder Beach Day

The next to last day of school, the Kindergarteners got to enjoy a "beach day," where they changed into swimsuits and played with LOTS of water (and even a bit of shaving cream) in the school courtyard area. They had a blast!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kinder Kite Day

On Wednesday, the Kindergarteners got to make their own brown bag kite, then fly it during their recess. Of course, Aidan's kite HAD to have a Star Trek theme--the boys are completely obsessed with everything Star Wars! Brendan also got to participate with them, but his kite included his handprint, a spiky monster, and a severed head... Ummm, yeah.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Field Day Hero

On Friday, Blanco Vista held its first annual Field Day for all the students. Although it was non-competitive, and therefore did not give out awards or ribbons, the kids still had a great time. Aidan's class started with the obstacle course (which I ended up getting exactly ZERO pictures of, by the way! Ugh!), then on to the sack-race, then Razor scooter races, then tug-of-war, then 50-yard dash, then lunch, then sandwich race, then hula-hoops, then finally the sponge race. Whew!

The funniest part was the ultra-protective mama-bird that laid two little speckled eggs right in the middle of the 50-yard dash course. We had to improvise because of the folding chair placed over that "nest" in the middle of the schoolyard. That poor bird spent most of Thursday and Friday chasing kids away from the vicinity of her brood.

Regardless of no scores being kept, I can honestly say that Aidan's class "won" nearly every single event. Nobody could even come close to beating us at tug-of-war! So proud of those kiddos!

What a fun day!

Monday, May 18, 2009

All I Want for Christhmath...

Brendan has now lost BOTH of his front teeth. When he's concentrating on what he's saying, it sounds fine... but when he's not really paying attention, his speech is hilarious! No sign of any permanent teeth coming in, so he'll talk like thith for awhile. :)